Monday, August 30, 2010

Please Pass The Activator

Ok, let’s be honest…out of everyone that is reading this, who had a Jheri Curl? For my younger subscribers who were born after the eighties, this might be a foreign term to you. If so, simply Google “Michael Jackson with Jheri curl” and you should find a plethora of pictures and definitions. According to Wikipedia, “The Jheri curl is a hairstyle that was common and popular in the African American community. Invented by and named for Jheri Redding, the Jheri curl gave the wearer a glossy, loosely curled look.” Now don’t get it twisted. That glossy shine by no means came easy. The harsh mixture of chemicals that were needed to make this look possible often left the user’s hair in an extremely brittle and dry state. In order to bring those juicy curls to life, Michael Jackson and all of those that followed suit with the popular hairstyle from the 1980’s had to add a product called activator.

Now think about that major dream, vision or goal that you have for your life. Can you picture it? Some of you may be living it right now, but for many of you, it is only a dream, vision or goal in your mind or on paper that has no life. So what’s the difference? What is missing? What do those that are living in their dreams have, that the rest of you do not? The secret ingredients are Faith and Belief. Until you add those things to your dreams…they are dead. You need faith and belief to bring your goals to life. Faith and belief are the activators that add the juice to your vision, thus making it a reality.

These two ingredients create an activator that gives your life that shine…no longer lying dormant, dull and lifeless.

If you don’t have the activator, you may as well not speak about it.

If you don’t have the activator, you may as well not write about it.

If you don’t have the activator, you may as well not waste time daydreaming about it or visualizing it.

Sometimes we are not even aware that our style is dry and crunchy.

We say things like, “I really want to go to back to school BUT…”

“I really want this job BUT…”

You might as well finish those sentences with, “…BUT….I don’t believe.” Or “BUT…I don’t have faith.”

We defeat ourselves before we even begin with our little faith and lack of belief. If you find yourself speaking in such a way, it’s time to get some activator!

If you find that a loved one or a friend is in a drought, don’t have them walking around looking like that! You would not let a loved one or a friend that you truly cared about walk around in public with their hair all over their head looking all crazy. So don’t allow your people to kill their dreams by not believing that they will come to pass. Give them a little squirt of your activator. Share how it has brought the shine back into your life. Share your faith and belief based activator until they are able to stock up on their own supply.

Last week I heard a quote that really resonated with me. It said, “When your focus is clear, what you want will show up in your life, but only to the extent that your focus is clear.” Let me amend that twice over for the purposes of this message.

“When your faith is strong, what you want will show up in your life, but only to the extent that your faith is strong.”

“When you believe, what you want will show up in your life, but only to the extent that you believe.”

1 Part Faith + 1 Part Belief = Activator (The activation of your vision, your goals and your dreams).

Invest in an unlimited lifetime supply.

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